August 14 - 22, 2021 is National Science Week, Australia’s annual celebration of science and technology. Now in its 25th year, National Science Week 2021 recognises the achievements of Australia’s scientific community. This celebration is an opportunity to learn more about the world, the past and current work of scientists, inventors and spark the curiosity of the next generation of budding scientists.
2021 Theme
Offering a smorgasbord of events and activities, the theme for this year is: Food: Different By Design. The theme honours the United Nations’ International Year of Fruits and Vegetables ( #IYFV2021) and the International Year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development.

The UN General Assembly designated 2021 the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables to raise awareness on the important role of fruits and vegetables in human nutrition, food security and health and as well in achieving UN Sustainable Development Goals. For more information visit the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN.

2021 was declared the International Year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development at the 74th United Nations General Assembly based on how the global pandemic, COVID-19, has paralysed the creative economy. From creation, production, distribution to access, no actor within the creative value chain has been spared its impact. For more information, visit the UNESCO website.
Scientific development will be at the core of the theme, which broadly covers a range of areas in food production and sustainable agriculture. There will be also events covering other topics, related to biosecurity, food technology and laboratory-developed foods. There is also the opportunity to learn and celebrate the contributions to the development of science and technology in Australia by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. As the Traditional Custodians of the land, Indigenous people are the first scientists, engineers, innovators and carers of the land and sea. With events themed around bush medicine, native foods, land management and ecology, the experiences of our Traditional Custodians, Indigenous knowledge can help us better understand and continue developing science in Australia in a sustainable and culturally significant way.
While we once again find ourselves celebrating the week differently as COVID lockdown restrictions continue to affect various communities and cities in Australia, you can still get involved by connecting and registering in some of the online events, virtual tours, DIY projects and other activities.
About National Science Week
Established in 1997, National Science Week is Australia’s annual celebration of science and technology.
Running each year in August, the week provides an opportunity to acknowledge the contributions of Australian scientists to the world of knowledge. It also aims to encourage an interest in science pursuits among the general public, and to encourage younger people to be fascinated by the world we live in.
For more information, visit the National Science Week website.

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