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Nicotine Testing in Vape Liquids at Envirolab Services

Did you know that possessing, using, and supplying nicotine in vape liquids is illegal in Australia, except for approved therapeutic purposes? Nicotine appears in Schedule 7 of the Australian Poisons Standard and is therefore scheduled as a ‘dangerous poison’ to protect public health.



Independent laboratory testing at Envirolab Services

At Envirolab Services, we provide reliable and accurate nicotine testing services for vape liquids to help you comply with the law. We use state-of-the-art technology and follow strict quality control procedures to provide you with the most accurate results.


Our commitment to accuracy, reliability, and customer service sets us apart from our competitors. Our team of experienced scientists can detect and measure even trace amounts of nicotine in vape liquids with great precision. We have a strong track record of delivering high-quality testing services to a range of industries, including pharmaceuticals, food, water, and environmental testing. We understand the importance of complying with regulations and protecting public health, and we are here to help you achieve these goals.


Interested in our leading testing services? To learn more about our nicotine testing services for vape liquids, send through an enquiry or call us today. Our team will be happy to answer any questions you may have and provide you with a free quote for our services.

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